
植物发育与免疫应答的细胞信号网络 研究组

课题组长:孔照胜 研究员 博士生导师


   课题组主要致力于植物发育与免疫应答的细胞信号网络研究。植物细胞骨架,包括微管(Microtubules, MTs)与微丝(Actin Filaments, F-actin),与细胞质膜以及细胞壁组成一个植物细胞特有的、高度动态的细胞骨架-质膜-细胞壁连续体(Cytoskeleton- Plasmamembrane-Cell Wall Continuum)。基于细胞骨架-质膜-细胞壁连续体,植物细胞形成了复杂而有序的细胞信号网络,时刻响应发育与环境信号,进行活跃的细胞骨架重排与细胞壁重构、细胞区室化(Cellular compartmentation)与细胞内稳态(Cellular homeostasis)重建,从而保障植物完成发育进程或者适应环境变化。特别是在植物与微生物相互作用过程中,细胞骨架-质膜-细胞壁连续体作为生物互作的第一道屏障(或免疫防线),在宿主与菌相互作用界面(Plant-Microbe Interface)形成过程中发挥至关重要作用,同时也是微生物(病原菌或共生菌)分泌的效应蛋白或毒力因子的重要靶标。





孔照胜博士 研究员

2011-            澳门永利yl6776,研究员,研究组长


董 丽 女 副研究员ldongldong#aliyun.com
田 娟 女 副研究员tianjuan0425#163.com
于艳军 女 工程师yyj74#163.com

王 琪 男 博士wangqidhn#126.com

类别 姓名 性别 邮箱
博士生 刘魏魏 女sklww19890516#163.com
博士生 王光达 男wgd12321#live.com
博士生 张霞霞 女Xiaxia08041989#163.com
硕士生 张 臣 男494970717#163.com
硕士生 王 欢 男wanghuan2918#163.com
硕士生 刘巧媛 女 2016年 liuqiaoyuan#webmail.hzau.edu.cn
硕士生 黄弋戈 男 2017年 309959160#qq.com

类别 姓名 性别 学校 邮箱
硕士生 胡毅 男 山西农业大学 huyi1773#163.com
硕士生 陈斌 男 山西农业大学 757356887#qq.com

类别 姓名 毕业年份
博士后 韩利波 2017
硕士 柳 婷2014
硕士 耿 媛 2017
博士 马银平 2018
博士 王朝凤 2018

发表论文(#Co-First Author; *Corresponding Author)



Guangda Wang, Changfeng Wang, Weiwei Liu, Li Dong, Juan Tian, Yanjun Yu, andZhaosheng Kong*. (2018).Augmin antagonizes katanin at microtubule crossovers to control the dynamic organization of plant cortical arrays.Current Biology, 28: 1311-1317 

Zhidi Feng, Juan Tian, Libo Han, Yuan Geng, Jie Sun*, andZhaosheng Kong*. (2018). The Myosin5-mediated actomyosin motility system is required for Verticillium pathogenesis of cotton.Environmental Microbiology, 20:1607-1621Cover story 

Shenghao Zou, Huan Wang, Yiwen Li,Zhaosheng Kong, and Dingzhong Tang*. (2018).The NB-LRR genePm60confers powdery mildew resistance in wheat.New Phytologist, 218: 298-309 

Changfeng Wang#, Weiwei Liu#, Guangda Wang#, Jun Li, Li Dong, Libo Han, Qi Wang, Juan Tian, Yanjun Yu, Caixia Gao, andZhaosheng Kong*.(2017). KTN80 confers precision to microtubule severing by specific targeting of katanin complexes in plant cells.EMBO Journal, 36: 3435-3447 

Yujia Leng#, Yaolong Yang#, Deyong Ren#, Lichao Huang, Liping Dai, Yuqiong Wang, Long Chen, Zhengjun Tu, Yihong Gao, Xueyong Li, Li Zhu, Jiang Hu, Guangheng Zhang, Zhenyu Gao, Longbiao Guo,Zhaosheng Kong, Yongjun Lin, Qian Qian*, and Dali Zeng*.(2017).A ricePECTATE LYASE-LIKEGene is required for plant growth and leaf senescence.Plant Physiology, 174:1151-1166 

Jiliang Hu#, Huanjie Yang#, Jinye Mu, Tiancong Lu,  Juli Peng, Xian Deng,Zhaosheng Kong,  Shilai Bao, Xiaofeng Cao, and Jianru Zuo*. (2017).Nitric oxide regulates protein methylation during stress responses in plants.Molecular Cell, 67:702-710 

Shundai Li, Logan Bashline, Yunzhen Zheng, Xiaoran Xin, Shixin Huang,Zhaosheng Kong, Seong H. Kim, Daniel J. Cosgroveb, and Ying Gu*. (2016).Cellulose synthase complexes act in a concerted fashion to synthesize highly aggregated cellulose in secondary cell walls of plants.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.113: 11348-11353 

Libo Han#, Yuanbao Li#, Yongduo Sun, Haiyun Wang,Zhaosheng Kong, and Guixian Xia*. (2016) The two domains of cotton WLIM1a protein are functionally divergent.Science China Life Sciences,59206-212 

Liangliang Chen#, Yuancheng Peng#, Juan Tian, Xiaohong Wang,Zhaosheng Kong, Tonglin Mao, Ming Yuan, and Yunhai Li. (2016). TCS1, a microtubule-binding protein, interacts with KCBP/ZWICHEL to regulate trichome cell shape inArabidopsis thaliana.PLOS Genetics, 12:e1006266 

Juan Tian, Libo Han, Zhidi Feng, Guangda Wang, Weiwei Liu, Yinping Ma, Yanjun Yu, andZhaosheng Kong*. (2015).Orchestration of microtubules and the actin cytoskeleton in trichome cell shape determination by a plant-unique kinesin.eLIFE, 4: eLife09351 

Guangheng Wu, Simu Liu, Yaofei Zhao, Wei Wang,Zhaosheng Kong, and Dingzhong Tang*. (2015).ENHANCED DISEASE RESISTANCE4 Associates with CLATHRIN HEAVY CHAIN2 and Modulates Plant Immunity by Regulating Relocation of EDR1 in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell, 27: 857-873  

Zhaosheng Kong, Motohide Ioki, Siobhan Braybrook, Shundai Li, Zheng-Hua Ye, Yuh-Ru Julie Lee, Takashi Hotta, Anny Chang, Juan Tian, Guangda Wang and Bo Liu*. (2015).Kinesin-4 Functions in Vesicular Transport on Cortical Microtubules and Regulates Cell Wall Mechanics during Cell Elongation in Plants.Molecular Plant, 7: 1011-1023 

Fenni Lv, Haihai Wang, Xinyu Wang, Libo Han, Yinping Ma, Sen Wang, Zhidi Feng, Xiaowei Niu, Caiping Cai,Zhaosheng Kong, Tianzhen Zhang and Wangzhen Guo*. (2015). GhCFE1A, a dynamic linker between the ER network and actin cytoskeleton, plays an important role in cotton fire cell initiation and elongation.Journal of Experimental Biology,7:1877-1989 

Ting Liu#, Juan Tian#, Guangda Wang#, Yanjun Yu, Chaofeng Wang, Yinping Ma, Xiaxia Zhang, Guixian Xia, Bo Liu, andZhaosheng Kong*. (2014) Augmin Triggers Microtubule-dependent Microtubule Nucleation in Interphase Plant Cells.Current Biology, 24: 2708-2713 

Libo Han, Yuanbao Li, Haiyun Wang, Xiaomin Wu, Chunli Li, Ming Luo, Shenjie Wu,Zhaosheng Kong, Yan Pei, Gaili Jiao, and Gui-xian Xia. (2013) The Dual Functions of WLIM1a in Cell Elongation and Secondary Wall Formation in Developing Cotton Fibers.Plant Cell, 11: 4421-4438. 



Takashi Hotta,  Zhaosheng Kong, Chin-Min Ho, Cui-jing Tracy Zeng, Tetsuya Horio, Sophia Fong, Trang Vuong, Yu-Rue Julie Lee, and Bo Liu. (2012). Characterization of the Arabidopsis Augmin Complex Uncovers Its Critical Function in the Assembly of the Acentrosomal Spindle and Phragmoplast Microtubule Arrays.Plant Cell, 24: 1494-1509.

Chin-Min Ho#, Takashi Hotta#,Zhaosheng Kong#, Cuijing Tracy Zeng#, Jie Sun, Yu-Rue Lee, and Bo Liu. (2011). Augmin plays a critical role in organizing the spindle and phragmoplast microtubule arrays in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell, 23: 2606-2618.

Zhaosheng Kong, Takashi Hotta, Y.-R. Julie Lee, Tetsuya Horio and Bo Liu. (2010). The γ-tubulin complex protein GCP4 is required for organizing functional microtubule arrays inArabidopsis thaliana.Plant Cell, 22: 191–204. (Cover story)

Longbiao Guo#, Chin-Min Ho#,Zhaosheng Kong#, Yu-Rue Lee, Qian Qian and Bo Liu. (2009). Evaluating the microtubule cytoskeleton and its interacting proteins in monocots by mining the rice genome.Annals of Botany, 103: 387-402.

Wenqiang Yang,Zhaosheng Kong, Edith Omo-Ikerodah, Wenying Xu, Qun Li and Yongbiao Xue. (2008). Calcineurin B-like interacting protein kinase OsCIPK23 functions in pollination and drought stress responses in rice (Oryza sativaL.).Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 35: 531-543.

Meina Li, Wenying Xu, Wenqiang Yang,Zhaosheng Kongand Yongbiao Xue. (2007). Genome-wide gene expression profiling reveals conserved and novel molecular functions of the stigma in rice.Plant Physiology, 144: 1797-812.

Zhaosheng Kong, Wenying Xu, Qun Li and Yongbiao Xue. (2007). Identification, expression and functional analysis of a receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase, OsRLCK1, in rice (Oryza sativaL.).Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 49: 898-907.

Zhaosheng Kong, Meina Li, Wenqiang Yang, Wenying Xu and Yongbiao Xue. (2006). A Novel Nuclear-Localized CCCH-type Zinc Finger Protein, OsDOS, Is Involved in Delaying Leaf Senescence in Rice (Oryza sativaL.).Plant Physiology, 141: 1376–1388.

Lefu Lan#, Meina Li#, Ying Lai#, Wenying Xu,Zhaosheng Kong, Kai Ying, Bin Han and Yongbiao Xue. (2005). Microarray analysis reveals similarities and variations in genetic programs involved in pollination/fertilization and stress responses in rice (Oryza sativaL.).Plant Molecular Biology, 59: 151–164.

Lefu Lan#, Wei Chen#, Ying Lai, Jinfeng Suo,Zhaosheng Kong, Can Li, Ying Lu, Yujun Zhang, Xiangyu Zhao, Xiansheng Zhang, Yansheng Zhang, Bin Han, Jing Cheng and Yongbiao Xue. (2004). Monitoring of gene expression profiles and isolation of candidate genes involved in pollination and fertilization in rice (Oryza sativaL.) with a 10K cDNA microarray.Plant Molecular Biology, 54: 471–487.



代表性工作1. KTN80介导植物细胞中微管的精准切割

左图显示KTN80四突变体ktn80.1234KTN1不能被招募至微管上、不发生切割,而在KTN1的突变体lue1中KTN80仍然能够特异定位,但不能切割微管;右模式图描绘Katanin KTN1/KTN80复合体的组装及作用机制。(Wang et al, 2017; EMBO Journal



左图:右上部为不同视角三维重构的拟南芥表皮毛中微管阵列:快速伸长的表皮毛分支会形成横向排列、密度趋向顶端的微管环,但其顶端存在一个微管缺失区域。左下部图为三维重构的分支起始阶段表皮毛中KCBP定位以及微管与微丝:KCBP马达蛋白在表皮毛中也呈梯度,且定位于微管上,但在顶端特异地富集在微管缺失区域;顶端富集的KCBP与微丝帽子部位相吻合,推测参与微丝帽子的组装与维持。右动图:三维重构方式展示拟南芥表皮毛中的微管架构。(Tian et al., 2015; eLIFE

代表性工作2. 发现了 augmin复合体在周质微管上的作用机制

上图显示在拟南芥叶表皮细胞中augmin复合体招募γ-Tubulin复合体到原已存在的周质微管上并引发新生微管成核,包括叉状成核(Branching nucleation)和平行成核(Parallel nucleation)两种形式(Liu et al, 2014; Current Biology);下图显示我们进一步发现augmin 复合体除了介导微管成核之外,还有一个之前从未报道过的功能:负向调控由微管切割蛋白katanin介导的微管切割。活细胞显微成像发现augmin更倾向于定位在微管交叉点上,并且通过抑制katanin的切割、稳定微管交叉构象,来调控微管动态重组与细胞形态建成(Wang et al, 2018; Current Biology)。


代表性工作4. 揭示了V型肌球蛋白Myosin5介导的分泌装置在大丽轮枝菌与棉花互作中的重要作用

左图显示大丽轮枝菌V型肌球蛋白Myosin5编码基因的敲除突变体对宿主棉花的致病力显著下降(A);显微观察发现Myosin5在大丽轮枝菌菌丝生长过程中定位在菌丝顶端,与囊泡贮存中心“顶体”共定位(C);分泌蛋白组数据也表明敲除突变体菌株分泌能力有缺陷(B),由此证明Myosin5作为分泌装置的重要组分,调节大丽轮枝菌致病相关因子的分泌,在大丽轮枝菌与宿主植物互作的过程中发挥重要作用。右图为文章发表当期Environmental Microbiology杂志的封面,显示棉花植物感染黄萎病后维管束发生褐变。
