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论文题目: Differential control of the Pcol/PcoR quorum-sensing system in Pseudomonas fluorescens 2P24 by sigma factor RpoS and the GacS/GacA two-component regulatory system.
作者: Yan, Qing; Wu, Xiao-Gang; Wei, Hai-Lei; Wang, Hui-Min; Zhang, Li-Qun*
联系作者: 姚一建
刊物名称: Microbiological Research
期: 1
卷: 164
页: 18-26
年份: 2009
影响因子: 2.054
论文下载: 下载地址
摘要: 128 , Yan, Qing; Wu, Xiao-Gang; Wei, Hai-Lei; Wang, Hui-Min; Zhang, Li-Qun* (2009). "Differential control of the Pcol/PcoR quorum-sensing system in Pseudomonas fluorescens 2P24 by sigma factor RpoS and the GacS/GacA two-component regulatory system." Microbiological Research 164(1): 18-26.