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论文题目: Class IIC α-mannosidase AfAms1 is required for morphogenesis and cellular function in Aspergillus fumigatus.
作者: Yanjie Li, Wenxia Fang, Lei Zhang, Haomiao Ouyang, Hui Zhou, Yuanming Luo, and Cheng Jin*
联系作者: 金城
刊物名称: Glycobiology
期: 6
卷: 19
页: 624-632
年份: 2009
影响因子: 4.446
论文下载: 下载地址
摘要: Yanjie Li, Wenxia Fang, Lei Zhang, Haomiao Ouyang, Hui Zhou, Yuanming Luo, and Cheng Jin*  (2009), Class IIC α-mannosidase AfAms1 is required for morphogenesis and cellular function in Aspergillus fumigatus. Glycobiology, 19 (6): 624-632.