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论文题目: Treg suppress CTL responses upon immunization with HSP gp96.
作者: Zhen Liu#, Xinghui Li#, Lipeng Qiu, Xiaojun Zhang, Lizhao Chen, Sheng Cao, Fusheng Wang, Songdong Meng*
联系作者: 孟颂东
刊物名称: European Journal of Immunology
期: 11
卷: 39
页: 3110-3120
年份: 2009
影响因子: 4.865
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摘要: Zhen Liu#, Xinghui Li#, Lipeng Qiu, Xiaojun Zhang, Lizhao Chen, Sheng Cao, Fusheng Wang, Songdong Meng*. 2009. Treg suppress CTL responses upon immunization with HSP gp96. European Journal of Immunology, 39(11):3110-3120. (#shared first author)