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论文题目: Community structure and preference of endophytic fungi of three woody plants in a mixed forest
作者: Sun, X; Ding, Q; Hyde, KD; Guo, LD
联系作者: Guo, LD
期: 5
卷: 5
页: 624-632
年份: 2012
影响因子: 2.507
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摘要: Various endophyte assemblages have been reported among plants and tissues, however, the extent to which the host and/or tissues determine the endophyte community structure has not been quantitatively explored. To address this issue, endophytic fungi associated with Betula platyphylla (Betulaceae), Quercus liaotungensis (Fagaceae) and Ulmus macrocarpa (Ulmaceae) surveyed in a mixed forest. The three tree species had similar overall endophyte infection rates (48.5-65.6 %), but the overall infection rates were significantly higher in twigs than in leaves. Sixty-one endophytic taxa were identified based on morphology and DNA sequence data. Thirty-nine taxa were recovered from U. macrocarpa, 20 from Q. liaotungensis and 20 from B. platyphylla. Twigs harboured more endophytic taxa than did leaves in the three tree species. Redundancy analysis indicated that host and tissue significantly affected endophyte community structure, the host effect (30.1 % variance in community composition) being stronger than the tissue (15.1 %). Fisher's exact test indicated that 15 (24.6 % of total) endophytic taxa showed significant host preference and nine (14.8 % of total) had significant tissue preference. Our results suggest that host and tissue conspicuously affect endophyte community structure in a mixed temperate forest. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd and The British Mycological Society. All rights reserved.