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论文题目: Transcriptomic analysis of the SSV2 infection of Sulfolobus solfataricus with and without the integrative plasmid pSSVi
作者: Ren Yi, She Qunxin, Huang Li*
联系作者: Huang Li*
刊物名称: Virology
期: 2
卷: 441
页: 126-134
年份: 2013
影响因子: 3.164
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摘要: The fusellovirus SSV2 and the integrative plasmid pSSVi, which constitute a unique helper-satellite virus system, replicate in Sulfolobus solfataricus P2. In this study, we investigated the interplay among SSV2, pSSVi and their host by transcriptomic analysis. Following infection of S. solfataricus P2, SSV2 activated its promoters in a temporal and distributive fashion, starting from the transcription of ORF305. Expression of several host genes encoding DNA replication and transcription proteins was up-regulated, suggesting that SSV2 depended heavily on the host replication machinery for its replication. SSV2 gene expression appeared to follow a similar pattern in S. solfataricus P2 harboring pSSVi to that in S. solfataricus P2 lacking the plasmid. Several early genes of the virus were transcribed earlier and more efficiently in the presence of pSSVi than in its absence. These results provide valuable clues to the understanding of the three-way interactions among SSV2, pSSVi and the host.