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论文题目: Discovery of the second species of Pseudohypocrea (Hypocreaceae)
作者: Zhu ZhaoXiang, Zhuang WenYing*
联系作者: Zhuang WenYing*
刊物名称: Mycoscience
期: 2
卷: 55
页: 124-126
年份: 2014
影响因子: 1.165
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摘要: A new species of the monotypic genus Pseudohypocrea is described based on a collection from Tai Po Kau, Hong Kong, China. The fungus is characterized by globose to subglobose perithecia entirely immersed in a pulvinate reddish-brown stroma, cylindrical asci with smooth-walled and lemon-shaped part-ascospores, and occurring on dead leaves. Morphological features of the new species are described and compared with the only known species of the genus.poi (C) 2013 The Mycological Society of Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.