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论文题目: Three new species of Phomopsis in Gutianshan Nature Reserve in China
作者: Gao Ya-Hui, Sun Wei, Su Yuan-Ying, Cai Lei*
联系作者: Cai Lei*
刊物名称: Mycological Progress
期: 13
卷: 1
页: 111-121
年份: 2014
影响因子: 1.62
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摘要: Three new species of Phomopsis causing leaf spots on multiple hosts in Gutianshan Nature Reserve are characterized and illustrated. Phylogenetic analyses and morphological characteristics are employed to justify the introduction of the new species. The phylogenetic relationships of the three new species were inferred by analyses based on combined rDNA-internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and partial translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF1) gene regions. Comparisons are made with morphologically similar and phylogenetically closely related species.