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论文题目: The Thellungiella salsuginea tonoplast aquaporin TsTIP1;2 functions in protection against multiple abiotic stresses
作者: Wang Li-Li, Chen An-Ping, Zhong Nai-Qin, Liu Ning, Wu Xiao-Min, Wang Fang, Yang Chun-Lin, Romero Michael F, Xia Gui-Xian*
联系作者: Xia Gui-Xian*
刊物名称: Plant Cell Physiol
期: 55
卷: 1
页: 148-61
年份: 2014
影响因子: 4.972
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摘要: Examination of aquaporin (AQP) membrane channels in extremophile plants may increase our understanding of plant tolerance to high salt, drought or other conditions. Here, we cloned a tonoplast AQP gene (TsTIP1;2) from the halophyte Thellungiella salsuginea and characterized its biological functions. TsTIP1;2 transcripts accumulate to high levels in several organs, increasing in response to multiple external stimuli. Ectopic overexpression of TsTIP1;2 in Arabidopsis significantly increased plant tolerance to drought, salt and oxidative stresses. TsTIP1;2 had water channel activity when expressed in Xenopus oocytes. TsTIP1;2 was also able to conduct H(2)O(2) molecules into yeast cells in response to oxidative stress. TsTIP1;2 was not permeable to Na(+) in Xenopus oocytes, but it could facilitate the entry of Na(+) ions into plant cell vacuoles by an indirect process under high-salinity conditions. Collectively, these data showed that TsTIP1;2 could mediate the conduction of both H(2)O and H(2)O(2) across membranes, and may act as a multifunctional contributor to survival of T. salsuginea in highly stressful habitats.