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2013. 12 -至今 澳门永利yl6776,副研究员 

2010. 12013. 11美国国立卫生研究院NIHResearch Fellow 

2005 .12009. 12美国国立卫生研究院NIH博士后 

1999. 92004. 8内蒙古大学生命科学学院,讲师 

1996. 91999. 8内蒙古大学生命科学学院,助教 


2001. 9-2004. 7南开大学生命科学学院,微生物学专业,博士 

1993. 9-1996. 7内蒙古大学生命科学院,微生物学专业,硕士 

1989. 9-1993. 7内蒙古大学生命科学院,植物学专业,学士 






1.  K. Aaron Geno, C. Allen Bush, Mengnan Wang, Cheng Jin, Moon H. Nahm*,Jinghua Yang*.WciGO-Acetyltransferase functionality differentiates pneumococcal serotypes 35C and 42.Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2017,55(9): 2775-2784.(IF=4.959) 

2.   Jinghua Yang*, Yuan Zhou, Luxia Zhang, Nehal Shah, Cheng Jin, Robert J. Palmer Jr, John O. Cisar,Cell-surface glycoside hydrolases ofStreptococcus gordoniipromote growth in saliva Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2016, 82(17):5278-5286. (IF=4.077) (Spotlight article) 

3.  C. Allen Bush, John O. Cisar,Jinghua Yang*.Structures of capsular polysaccharide serotype 35F and 35C ofStreptococcus pneumoniaedetermined by nuclear magnetic resonance and their relation to other cross-reactive serotypes.Journal of Bacteriology, 2015, 197(17):2762-9. (IF=3.234) 

4.  Jinghua Yang, Yasuo Yoshida, John O. Cisar*.Genetic Basis of coaggeragation receptor polysaccharide biosynthesis inStreptococcus sanguinisand related species.Molecular Oral Microbiology, 2014, 29:24-31.(IF=2.925) 

5.  Jinghua Yang, Moon H. Nahm, C. Allen Bush, and John O. Cisar*.Comparative structural and molecular characterization ofStreptococcus pneumoniaecapsular polysaccharide serogroup 10.Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2011, 286(41), 35813-35822. (IF=4.106) 

6.   Jinghua Yang, Shelat N. Y,C. Allen Bush, and John O. Cisar*.Structure and molecular characterization ofStreptococcus pneumoniaecapsular polysaccharide 10F by carbohydrate engineering inStreptococcus oralis,Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2010, 285(31):24217-24227. (IF=4.106) 

7.  Jinghua Yang,Ritchey M.,Yoshida Y,C. Allen Bush, and John O. Cisar*.Comparative Structural and Molecular characterization of Ribitol-5-Phosphate-ContainingStreptococcus oralisCaggregation Receptor Polysaccharides.Journal of Bacteriology. 2009, 191:1891-1900. (IF=3.234) 

8.  Jinghua Yang,John O. Cisar and C. Allen Bush*.Structure of type 3Gn coaggregation receptor polysaccharide forStreptococcus cristatusLS4.Carbohydrate Research, 2011; 346:1342-1346. (IF=1.873)