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 王新存 博士  高级工程师























2021.11 - 至今 澳门永利yl6776 高级工程师

2019.5–2020.7 荷兰皇家艺术与科学院Westerdijk真菌生物多样性研究所 访问学者

2015.6–2021.11 澳门永利yl6776 助理研究员

2013.6–2015.5 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院药用植物研究所 博士后



2005.9–2013.1 中国科学院大学 微生物学专业 博士

2001.9–2005.6 河北师范大学 生命科学学院 生物科学专业 学士



Wang XC, Yang ZL, Chen SL, Bau T, Li TH, Li L, Fan L, Zhuang WY*, 2023, Phylogeny and Taxonomic Revision of the Family Discinaceae (Pezizales, Ascomycota), Microbiology Spectrum, https://doi.org/10.1128/spectrum.00207-23. 

Wang XC*, Zhuang WY*, 2022, New Species ofTalaromyces(Trichocomaceae, Eurotiales) from Southwestern China, Journal of Fungi 8(7): 647. 

Wang XC*, Zhuang WY*, 2022, New species ofAspergillus(Aspergillaceae) from tropical islands of China, Journal of Fungi 8(3): 225. 

Nuankaew S, Chuaseeharonnachai C, Preedanon S, Somrithipol S, Saengkaewsuk S, Kwantong P, Phookongchai S, Srikitikulchai P, Kobmoo N,Wang XC, Zhang ZF, Cai L, Suetrong S*, Boonyuen N*, 2022, Two novel species ofTalaromycesdiscovered in a karst cave in the Satun UNESCO Global Geopark of southern Thailand.Journal of Fungi8(8): 825. 

Wu XM#, Guan QY#, Han YB,Wang XC, Zhuang WY, Tan RX*, 2022, Regeneration of phytochemicals by structure-driven organization of microbial biosynthetic steps, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61(8): e202114919. 

Zhang ZK,Wang XC*, Zhuang WY, Cheng XH, Zhao P*, 2021, New species ofTalaromyces(Fungi) isolated from soil in Southwestern China, Biology 10: 745. 

Wang XC*, 2021, Lingzhi Mitochondrial Genome. In: Liu C (ed.) The LingZhi Mushroom Genome. Springer, pp. 73–87. 

Houbraken J*, Kocsubé S, Visagie CM, Yilmaz N,Wang XC, Meijer M, Kraak B, Hubka V, Bensch K, Samson RA, Frisvad JC*, 2020, Classification ofAspergillus,Penicillium,Talaromycesand related genera (Eurotiales): An overview of families, genera, subgenera, sections, series and species, Studies in Mycology 95: 5–169. 

Zheng HD, Zhuang WY*,Wang XC, Zeng ZQ, Wei SL, 2020, Ascomycetes from the Qilian Mountains, China – Pezizomycetes and Leotiomycetes, Mycosystema 39(10): 1823–1845. 

Zeng ZQ, Zheng HD,Wang XC, Wei SL, Zhuang WY*, 2020, Ascomycetes from the Qilian Mountains, China – Hypocreales, MycoKeys 71: 119–137. 

Yao YJ*, Li Y*, Du Z, Wang K,Wang XC, Kirk PM, Spooner BM, 2020, On the typification ofGanoderma sichuanense(Agaricomycetes)the widely cultivated Lingzhi medicinal mushroom, International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 22(1): 45–54. 

Wang XC, Liu TZ, Chen SL, Li Y, Zhuang WY*, 2019, A four-locus phylogeny of rib-stiped cupulate species ofHelvella(Helvellaceae, Pezizales) with discovery of three new species, MycoKeys 60: 45–67. 

Wang XC, Zhuang WY*, 2019, A three-locus phylogeny ofGyromitra(Discinaceae, Pezizales) and discovery of two cryptic species, Mycologia 111: 69–77. 

Wang XC*, Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY*, 2018, The complete mitochondrial genome of the bambusicolous fungusFusarium bambusae(Nectriaceae, Ascomycota), Mitochondrial DNA Part B 3(2): 1147–1148. 

Wang XC, Chen H, Yang D, Liu C*, 2018, Diversity of mitochondrial plastid DNAs (MTPTs) in seed plants, Mitochondrial DNA Part A 29(4): 635–642. 

Wang XC, Chen K, Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY*, 2017, Phylogeny and morphological analyses ofPenicilliumsectionSclerotiora(Fungi) lead to the discovery of five new species, Scientific Reports 7: 8233. 

Wang XC, Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY*, 2017, The complete mitochondrial genome of the important mycoparasiteClonostachys rosea(Hypocreales, Ascomycota), Mitochondrial DNA Part B 2(1): 180–181. 

Wang XC, Chen K, Qin WT, Zhuang WY*, 2017,Talaromyces heiheensisandT. mangshanicus, two new species from China, Mycological Progress 16: 73–81. 

Wang XC, Chen K, Xia YW, Wang L, Li TH, Zhuang WY*, 2016, A new species ofTalaromyces(Trichocomaceae) from the Xisha Islands, Hainan, China, Phytotaxa 267(3): 187–200. 

Wang XC, Zeng ZQ, Zhuang WY*, 2016, The complete mitochondrial genome of the important phytopathogenNectria cinnabarina(Hypocreales, Ascomycota), Mitochondrial DNA Part A27(6): 46704671. 

Wang XC, Shao J, Liu C*, 2016, The complete mitochondrial genome of the medicinal fungusGanoderma applanatum(Polyporales, Basidiomycota), Mitochondrial DNA Part A 27(4): 2813–2814. 

Wang XC, Wu K, Chen H, Shao J, Zhang N, Chen X, Lan J, Liu C*, 2016, The complete mitochondrial genome of the whiterot fungusGanoderma meredithiae(Polyporales, Basidiomycota), Mitochondrial DNA Part A 27(6): 4197–4198. 

Wang XC, Liu C*, Huang L, Bengtsson-Palme J, Chen H, Zhang JH, Cai D, Li JQ, 2015, ITS1: a DNA barcode better than ITS2 in eukaryotes?, Molecular Ecology Resources15: 573586. 

Kües U#, Nelson DR#, Liu C#*, Yu GJ#, Zhang JH, Li JQ,Wang XC, Sun H, 2015, Genome analysis of medicinalGanodermaspp. with plant-pathogenic and saprotrophic life-styles, Phytochemistry 114: 18–37. 

Yao YJ*,Wang XC, Wang B, 2013, Epitypification ofGanoderma sichuanenseJ.D. Zhao & X.Q. Zhang (Ganodermataceae), Taxon 62(5): 1025–1031. 

Wu SH*, Yao YJ,Wang XC, Kirk PM, Redhead SA, Stalpers JA, Dai YC, Norvell LL, Yang ZL, Ryvarden L, Su CH, Li Y, Zhuang WY, Chen CJ, Chen LC, Yu ZH, 2012, (2101) Proposal to conserve the nameGanoderma camphoratum(Taiwanofungus camphoratus) (Polyporales) with a conserved type, Taxon 61(6): 1321–1322. 

Wu SH*, Kirk PM, Redhead SA, Stalpers JA, Dai YC, Norvell LL, Yang ZL, Ryvarden L, Su CH, Li Y, Zhuang WY, Yao YJ, Chen CJ, Chen LC, Yu ZH,Wang XC, 2012, Resolution of the nomencalture for niu-chang-chin (Taiwanofungus camphoratus), an important medicinal polypore, Taxon 61(6): 1305–1310. 

Wang XC, Xi RJ, Li Y, Wang DM, Yao YJ*, 2012, The species identity of the widely cultivatedGanoderma, ‘G. lucidum’ (Ling-zhi), in China, PLoS One 7(7): e40857.