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3-Anhydro-6-hydroxy-ophiobolin A displays high in vitro and in vivo efficacy against influenza A virus infection Protein Cell 2016
Use of Raman Spectroscopy and Phase-Contrast Microscopy To Characterize Cold Atmospheric Plasma Inactivation of Individual Bacterial Spores Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2016
Bioactive Spirobisnaphthalenes and Lactones from a Cup Fungus Plectania sp Collected in the Tibet Plateau Region European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2016
Bioactive Sesquiterpenes from the Edible Mushroom Flammulina velutipes and Their Biosynthetic Pathway Confirmed by Genome Analysis and Chemical Evidence J Org Chem 2016
Four new species of Trichoderma with hyaline ascospores from central China Mycological Progress 2016
Replication of a pathogenic non-coding RNA increases DNA methylation in plants associated with a bromodomain-containing viroid-binding protein Sci Rep 2016
Activation and Identification of NC-1: A Cryptic Cyclodepsipeptide from Red Soil-Derived Streptomyces sp FXJ1.172 European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2016
The Bacterial Mobile Resistome Transfer Network Connecting the Animal and Human Microbiomes Appl Environ Microbiol 2016
Successive soybean-monoculture cropping assembles rhizosphere microbial communities for the soil suppression of soybean cyst nematode FEMS Microbiol Ecol 2016
The Hsp90 Co-chaperones Sti1, Aha1, and P23 Regulate Adaptive Responses to Antifungal Azoles Front Microbiol 2016
Synthetic biology for CO2 fixation Sci China Life Sci 2016
Hepatitis B virus mRNAs functionally sequester let-7a and enhance hepatocellular carcinoma Cancer Lett 2016
aKMT Catalyzes Extensive Protein Lysine Methylation in the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus islandicus but is Dispensable for the Growth of the Organism Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2016
NLLSS: Predicting Synergistic Drug Combinations Based on Semi-supervised Learning Plos Computational Biology 2016
Haloparvum sedimenti gen. nov., sp nov., a member of the family Haloferacaceae International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2016